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Questions about the RU Alumni Association

- 1.What is the Ritsumeikan University Alumni Assocation?

- All graduates of Ritsumeikan University are called alumni. The RU Alumni Association, which aims to create friendships between Ritsumeikan graduates, consisted of approximately 340,000 members as of May, 2015.

- 2.What are the activities of the Alumni Association?

- The Alumni Association’s head office holds the All Ritsumeikan Alumni Convention annualy, and releases a quarterly titled “Ritsumei” which outlines the latest information about Ritsumeikan University and its alumni. Moreover, the association provides currently enrolled Ritsumeikan students with financial support through scholarships, support for their student activities, and career support. The various regional branches of the Alumni Association also try to meet the needs of their members by holding general assemblies and social gatherings in addition to sporting and recreational events.

- 3.What kind of activities are there for young alumni members?

- Regional branches of the Alumni Association hold events such as seminars, beer parties, fireworks displays, and other lighthearted events that allow the younger members to more easily get involved. Each year the number of participants in these events has steadily been increasing. In addition, a new group called “Re-Connect” was formed in 2007 that has been acting to re-connect graduated students in their 20s from the Kansai region and Tokyo Metropolitan Area with RU. At various periodically held events and workshops, this group of younger alumni members are able to gather, regardless of their status or occupation, to exchange diverse ways of thinking and form greater alumni connections.

- 4.How do I participate in alumni activities?

- You may either get in contact with one of our alumni groups by looking at the “Regional Alumni Groups” page at our homepage and using the contact information provided, or contact the head office directly. In order to find out more about general assemblies of regional groups, please refer to the “Regional Alumni Groups” page, or check the quarterly “Ritsumei” (*only available in Japanese *lifetime membership fee payment required).
Questions about registration procedures and personal information.

- 6.Could you tell me the address of an alumni acquaintance of mine?

- Please send any inquiries of this type to the Alumni Association’s head office. The head office will inform your acquaintance of your contact information so that we may contact you. However, due to privacy restrictions, we are unable to reveal personal information about our alumni members.

- 7.What should I do if I receive any questionable Email or direct mail regarding Alumni Association activities?

Ritsumeikan University does not, in any circumstance, request any adjustments to private information of its alumni members via postcard. In addition, we will not permit any other members to change your information for you. You may also receive items requesting an urgent reply. However, you are not required to return any sorts of these postcards. If such an item is returned, Ritsumeikan University cannot be held responsible.
All letters or information sent from our office shows “Ritsumeikan University Alumni Association” and official address, phone number and/or e-mail address.

- 8.Am I able to obtain a list of Alumni members?

- We currently do not distribute a list of our alumni members. We will also not inform you of the whereabouts of alumni members by phone.
Questions for registered alumni members.

- 9.What should I do if I lose my Alumni membership card?

Please contact the Alumni head office in order to have your card re-issued.
This card is only issue who have paid the lifetime membership fee.

- 10.What are the on-campus facilities that alumni are permitted to use?

- Registered alumni members are permitted to use the libraries and meeting rooms on campus. For more details, please visit the “BENEFITS” page at our Alumni homepage.

- 11.What should I do if I am unable to receive the Alumni Assocation’s quarterly “Ritsumei”?

- Please confirm that your address is correct, and that your alumni membership fees have been received. If any changes to your address have not gone through, please refer to the instructions in Q5. Please contact the Alumni Association’s head office to confirm that your payment has been paid.
Questions for Alumni groups.

- 12.What Ritsumeikan alumni organizations exist?

- In addition to the Alumni Headquarters, there are numerous groups including those divided by graduating year, local region, college, and global region. In addition, there are groups operating overseas, and groups for students who share similar work placements, extra-curricular club/circle activities, and seminars.

- 13.Is it possible to register a group with the alumni headquarters?

Groups can be registered after the alumni association receives the group application form. Please refer to the following page for directions on how to apply: Group registration. When applying, please note the following:
1.If applied for, we will provide a list the group’s members.
2.If we receive notification of a general assembly, we will send materials from RU and the Alumni Association.
3.We are able to present details about any general assemblies or other activities on the alumni association’s homepage.
4.We will list the group’s name on the portion of the alumni association’s homepage that lists all alumni groups.
5.We will send information regarding alumni events in Japan.
6.If an inquiry comes from an alumni, we will release the chairperson’s name and bureau’s contact information.